Friday, November 18, 2016

How to Tie a Blanket Scarf

Tying a blanket scarf can seem a little intimidating due to how large they are, but I'm here to show you how in 4 easy steps!

1. First you fold over the scarf to make a large triangle.

2. Once you have a large triangle shape, you then roll down the top of the scarf
until you have a smaller triangle shape.

There's no right or wrong size scarf, some like a smaller
triangle shape, some prefer bigger.

3. You then take the two ends and wrap them around your neck bringing
each piece to the opposite side.

4. Then simply tuck the ends under the front of the scarf and VOILA!
You're now a pro and are totally rocking your blanket scarf!😘

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

NYX Makeup Haul

On my recent trip to Washington DC I discovered that NYX Cosmetics has a actual store people! {insert happy dance} I soon discovered this was not a new thing and I was just totally behind on the times {not a surprise lol} 😂 But! I was still totally stoked and had to buy up a bunch of their gorgeous and affordable beauty products. 

Can I just say I'm in love with their products! I'm so excited to share with you guys what I bought and loved, so you too can purchase and hopefully love it as well.


My top 3 favorite items were the Love Contours All Palette, Eyebrow Marker,
and the Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick. UH-Mazing!!!

My least favorite and the only thing I wouldn't buy again is the LOTD Liquid Lip Liner. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful color, it just doesn't really stand out with a lipstick in my opinion and it's to shimmery to use alone. Oh! and here's the best part...all of the above comes out to less than $85 which is great compared to the higher end brands. But don't let the prices fool you, these items are high quality and last all day! 👍👍👍