Hey Guys! Have you been eyeing that perfect pair of shoes for awhile and just keep waiting for
them to go on sale??? Well, wait no longer! I'm about to give you 3 codes to maximize your savings and the best part...they can all be used together if you meet the requirements. Awesome right!? Okay so a few days ago I ordered 4 pairs of shoes online from DSW and my total came out to around $180 {more than I wanted to spend} I already had one coupon and that dropped my total $20 and got me free shipping. Being me I decided to google and see if I could find anymore coupons I could apply and guess what... That's right, I found one. With this coupon I got another $18 taken off {SCORE!} but that's not all. I thought to myself "why not see if you can find another coupon?" So once again I got to googling and yup! you guessed it, I found anther one and this one took off $34 so this brought my total down with tax included to $106.49 for FOUR pairs of shoes. I'm always happy to save a buck but to save $72, well I was more than happy with that!!! I could't keep this deal all to myself so below I posted all the coupon codes for you to use too. Be sure to get in on the action before these sweet deals expire.
COUPON 1 - JUSTFORME (exp October 25)
This will get you
$10 off $49
$20 off $99
$40 off $199

This will get you
%25 off 2 or more items
I'm also including the links to a few of my favorite picks! :)
Ivanka Trump Falla Bootie
BCBGeneration Darron Leopard Pump
Qupid Virtue- 32 Platform Pump
Marc Fisher Over The Knee Boot

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